



The legend of Semarang City 

Long time ago there lived a King in Demak Sultanate namely Made Pandan. He had a son that is called Prince Pandan Aran. Before the King died he asked his son to spread the Moslem religion to Java Island and asked him to get married first. Prince Pandan Aran went to the western direction. He arrived at the area which was full of tamarine tree and they grew very rare. Because of that this area was called as Semarang which meant asem or tamarine that grew arang or rare. He continued going to the south direction and arrived at Tuntang. There he and his wife were robbed. All of his properties were given to the robbers. Arriving at the certain area he and his wife saw a man was taking a sack of rice then he asked him “What are you taking , friend ? it looks so heavy” he answered “I’m taking a sack of sand” not long time the sack of rice changed into the sand. Until now this are was famous as “Wedi” or meaning sand located in the south of Klaten. Prince Pandan Aran was buried in the village Tembayat in the south of  Klaten City.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec molestie. Sed aliquam sem ut arcu. Phasellus sollicitudin. Vestibulum condimentum facilisis nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla nonummy. Cras quis libero. Cras venenatis. Aliquam posuere lobortis pede. Nullam fringilla urna id leo. Praesent aliquet pretium erat. Praesent non odio. Pellentesque a magna a mauris vulputate lacinia. Aenean viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aliquam lacus. Mauris magna eros, semper a, tempor et, rutrum et, tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec molestie. Sed aliquam sem ut arcu. Phasellus sollicitudin. Vestibulum condimentum facilisis nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla nonummy. Cras quis libero. Cras venenatis. Aliquam posuere lobortis pede. Nullam fringilla urna id leo. Praesent aliquet pretium erat. Praesent non odio. Pellentesque a magna a mauris vulputate lacinia. Aenean viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aliquam lacus. Mauris magna eros, semper a, tempor et, rutrum et, tortor.

Story Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec molestie. Sed aliquam sem ut arcu. Phasellus sollicitudin. Vestibulum condimentum facilisis nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla nonummy. Cras quis libero. Cras venenatis. Aliquam posuere lobortis pede. Nullam fringilla urna id leo. Praesent aliquet pretium erat. Praesent non odio. Pellentesque a magna a mauris vulputate lacinia. Aenean viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aliquam lacus. Mauris magna eros, semper a, tempor et, rutrum et, tortor.


Someone at SMA4SMG : Sir, I love you very much.
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009 22:42:54
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